Is Your Engine Not Turning Over?

Hire us for car jump-start services in Warren and Detroit, MI

If your car won't start, the likely culprit is a dead battery. When this happens, look no further than Alex Towing One for help. We provide fast and affordable jump-start services in Warren, Detroit, MI and surrounding areas. It doesn't matter what your car's make or model is, we can use our jumper cables to revive your battery quickly and easily.

Contact us right away to arrange for car jump-start services.

3 common causes of dead car batteries

Wondering how your car battery could have died so suddenly? There are a variety of factors that can cause you to need jump-start services in Warren or Detroit, MI, including:

  • Extreme temperatures
  • Leaving your radio or headlights on
  • Faulty electrical components
Regardless of what caused your car battery to drain, you can count on Alex Towing One to bring it back to life.

Reach out now to get car jump-start services.